I created the Mick and Mike game to help my son practice distinguishing
between the sound short i makes and long i. I wanted a game we could
play together so that I could be sure he got the concept down pat. But
THEN I wanted this same game to serve as a self-checking drill tool as well.
So I put in a few extra minutes to create a game we would get a lot of use out

The game features a neat cartoon dinosaur from Print Shop Ensemble. I
sized it how I wanted it and printed it. Then I flipped it so that I would
have a mirror image of the same picture. Any graphic that catches
your eye will do. My son just happens to love dinosaurs.
I named the "twins" so that one name has the short i sound and one
has the long. You can see that under the pictures I have cut a hole
to actually put the game cards in. On the BACK of the file folder I
glued two snack size ziploc bags to catch the cards as they are sorted.
Be sure to cut a whole in one side of the ziploc bag first.
The bottom of the file folder says "The twins, Mick and Mike, are going
on a vacation. They need your help! Mick only packs
short i words and Mike only packs long i words. Help the brothers
sort out the cards so that they can be on their way".
When we first used this game/tool I played with him. We started
with 12 cards. We started with short i words and silent e words
Then I added cards that had -ight and -ite words on them like:
lite [as in lite fare]
I did not use any words containing vowel teams like in the word
This format is flexible and can be applied to many different concepts.
You can put the answer key directly on the back. I created a
separate answer key. It was done up like a table. The table
had two columns and each cell was the same size as the cards. Once
the sorting was done he would empty one bag and match each word by placing
the card on its match. This gave him immediate feedback.
Immediate feedback is important. This allows the child to input only
data that is correct. Saves you the time of unlearning false information.