Dragon Math Instructions
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You will need:
One Deck of Dragon cards.
[Remove the -, + and = cards]
Dice - Consider purchasing dice with 4, 8, or 9 sides. We have the
most fun with our 20 sided die. Of course, a 6 sided die will work just
Treasure - Kate uses glass globs because she works with glass.
We use poker chips, glass globs, buttons and plastic jewels I bought at
the dollar store. The more treasure you have the better. I recommend
starting out with at least 125 items.
The Story:
The story as I *understand* it is that 4 gnomes have had their treasure
stolen by the dragon that lives in the cave. Each gnome represents an
operation. Plus [+] is a hard worker so he always gets more. Minus [-] has
a problem. He has holes in his pockets so he loses treasure. Times [X] is
very nice. He'll let you take his turn. [you get to go again] Divide is
very generous - he likes to share.
To Play:
Shuffle the cards and place them in one pile, face down. Put all of the
treasure in a pot/bowl/pile to represent the dragon's hoard in his cave.
In order to get back their treasure the gnomes enter the cave and try to
grab what treasure they can. To take your turn you first draw a card and
then roll your die. Those numbers are your math problem. If you draw a +4
and roll a 7 you take 11 pieces of treasure. If you draw a -5 and roll a 6
you may only claim ONE piece of treasure because 6 - 5 =1. Kate and her
family play by FIRST rolling and then drawing the card. That doesn't work
here because if my son rolls a very high number and THEN draws a dragon
card he gets upset. Kate rolls first because it makes a better equation.
The roll of the die is always positive and the number cards have + or - on
them. To make logical equations we place the card directly to the right of
the die so it looks like an equation, for example, 12 - 6.
After you solve your math sentence and take your treasure play moves to
the next player. If you draw an X card you roll and take the number on the
die in treasure. Then draw a card and roll again. If you draw a divide
card every player adds their treasure to a pile [NOT the dragon's hoard]
and it is divided evenly between all the players. Any remainders go to the
Kitty that lives in the dragon's cave. [The next time a divide card is
drawn the treasure from the kitty is added to the pile and then shared
evenly] If a player draws a dragon card s/he must put all of their
treasure BACK into the dragon's pile. This player was frightened off by
the dragon and in their haste to get out of there they dropped all the
Play ends when all of the dragon's hoard has been recaptured. Winner has
the most treasure. OR.... set a time to play and winner is the person with
the most treasure when the time is up.
Things to consider:
Use the numbers that your child is ready for. Feel free to remove the
higher numbers [7, 8 and 9] while you review the math facts of the lower
Choose the skill level by the number of sides on the die you let each
player play with.
Play the game the first time through with only 2 dragon cards. If you have
a LOT of treasure you won't need players to draw the dragon card so often
to replenish the dragon's hoard.
MODIFY this game, or ANY, to meet your child's needs. Do not allow this game, or any, to frustrate your child.
Games are
intended to review materials in a fun and memorable way or to introduce
new/harder concepts in a non-threatening way.
Use the number cards and sign cards to setup math problems on a table or
desk. Let your child use mental math skills or a pencil and scrap paper to
Lastly - HAVE FUN! This game really is dynamic enough to keep an adult's
attention. Let the kids play together, with their parents or other family